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Week 3


  • Requirement gathering and analysis
  • UI Design and prototyping
  • UI Development - Create New Framework
  • UI Development - List of Frameworks

Screenshots / Videos


No PR's are made at this stage


1.Raised 5 separate issues for creating, editing, listing, deleting, and updating functionalities, ensuring focused work on each specific task. 2.Currently dedicated to implementing the "Create Framework" feature in the UI, making it easier for users to generate new frameworks. 3.Actively working on integrating the UI with existing framework APIs, ensuring a seamless process for storing framework data. 4.My efforts are contributing to the overall progress of the project as I remain focused on the assigned tasks. 5.Collaborating effectively with the team, engaging in problem-solving to overcome challenges and achieve successful outcomes. 6.By tackling individual issues separately, I maintain a structured approach, enhancing the project's development and efficiency.